Strengthening self-sufficiency

Welcome to Your Own Organic Garden –

this is our call to village communities to become self-sufficient and gain a bit of independence. We encourage them to secure their families’ nutrition through sustainable organic farming of fruits and vegetables.

With this goal in mind, we have partnered with the Schöck Family Foundation.

Women Can Do It –

as they are usually responsible for setting up and maintaining their organic home gardens. That’s why we have primarily involved them as partners in implementing our initiatives.

During the first phase (2021/22), we reached 152 families from seven villages in the Dambulla district. In the second phase (2023/24), our Kandy team is supporting 300 more families from seven villages in the Matale region.

Here’s How It Works:

The coordination and implementation of activities are optimally ensured by our local project team. Once the village elders have given their approval, we invite interested villagers and explain the purpose of the project.

Those who want to participate are registered and receive specific training on how to cultivate organic fruits and vegetables in their own gardens, how to produce compost, which seed varieties yield good harvests, how to protect crops from pests, and how to manage resources more efficiently.


The Success is Obvious:

Families take pride in their harvests and can sustain themselves with fresh fruits and vegetables. Some even sell a portion of their produce. They exchange experiences with neighbors, contributing to a more harmonious village life overall.

For this reason, our Kandy team will reach out to additional village communities in the Dambulla/Matale area in a third phase, encouraging their interest in organic home gardening.