Facilitating learning in school

A Good Environment Supports Learning.

Children and young people who spend a significant amount of time in bright, clean, and well-organized spaces are more engaged in lessons and learn more effectively. That is why the design of school facilities is a key focus of our support.

Good Teaching Requires Good Materials.

With the right learning aids, children and young people’s curiosity, interest, and attention can be sparked. That’s why another key aspect of our support is providing missing schoolbooks and educational materials for the children.

Play and Music Enhance Social Skills.For this reason, we also fund the purchase of sports equipment and musical instruments.

Learning Also Goes Through the Stomach.

Without sufficient and healthy nutrition, children’s concentration and active participation in lessons suffer. As the economic crisis has recently led to a dramatic deterioration in regular food supply, our school feeding program helps to fill some of these gaps.

Team Kandy supports schools and kindergartens through a special donation campaign, providing food and learning materials.


Shilpa Shakthi Foundation works closely with local institutions to ensure healthy nutrition for children and to facilitate their learning in schools through improved facilities and the provision of materials.

Cultural camps are organized for making music and artistic activities together, while medical camps provide sick children with basic medical treatment.

Individual support


is offered by assigning targeted sponsorships to students growing up in difficult circumstances, as well as to young people until they complete their education.