Our Key Project Areas

When inflation is at the table,

families in rural areas are particularly affected, as they can barely meet their basic needs when food prices rise.

We help by …

strengthening self-sufficiency.

Nothing works without women,

as they quickly develop self-help initiatives, care for their children’s future, and demonstrate commitment and perseverance in their work.

We help by …

supporting self-initiatives.

The future begins at school,

where children and young people can develop their skills and social competencies in a community under educational guidance.

We help by …

making learning in school easier.

No one is perfect,

but everyone has the right to have their needs and desires respected and to be recognized as equal members of society.

We help by …

promoting social inclusion.

Dancing makes children strong –

it enhances their mental and physical abilities, fosters creativity, and strengthens their sense of community.

We help by …

shaping culture.

When acute hardship arises,

poorer families in particular find themselves in an almost hopeless situation and must struggle to sustain their livelihoods.

We help by …

providing emergency aid.